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Petit Godin Wood Heater
The Petit Godin Wood Heater has an iconic look that makes it the main attraction in any home. It features beautiful cast iron embellishments that come in a range of designer colours. More Information -
Godin Mini Cube Wood Heater
Designed to be elegantly simple, the Godin Mini Cube Wood Heater offers a timeless design, with a splendid view of the fire. The super-efficient Mini Cube, is compact but big on performance, suitable for most compact room settings, be it a classic dwelling or a contemporary styled apartment. Godin. More Information -
Godin Bagatelle Wood Heater
From the Godin Baguera with stick-like legs comes the Godin Bagatelle Wood Heater with the same firebox footprint but with a more sculptured pedestal base. Still with it’s retro-style design, it features a solid cast iron wood firebox with steel casing and is the perfect complement to any modern interior. Affectionately nicknamed “The Bush TV” the Bagatelle will delight you with it’s “groovy” looks and amazing heat output. More Information -
Godin Baguera Wood Heater
Like a mid-century TV console, the Godin Baguera Wood Heater retro-style designed cast iron wood fire is the perfect complement to a modern interior. Affectionately nicknamed “The Bush TV” the Baguera will delight you with it’s “groovy” looks and amazing heat. Also available as a see-through fireplace, the Baguera DF or on a sculptured pedestal base, Bagatelle. More Information -
Godin Baguera DF Wood Heater
Creating the perfect division between two spaces comes the double sided take on the the affectionately nicknamed “The Bush TV” single sided model, is the Godin Baguera DF Wood Heater. With it’s retro-style design, this mixture of cast iron with steel casing will create the perfect stir in even the most understated of places. More Information -
Godin Barella Wood Heater
A natural radiant heat emanates from the solidly made firebox and you will enjoy an impressive view of the fire from the elevated cylindrical-shaped design. Tall and shapely the Godin Barella Wood Heater’s slender footprint offers the flexibility to be placed almost anywhere in your design scheme. More Information
Designed to be elegantly simple, the Godin Mini Cube Wood Heater offers a timeless design, with a splendid view of the fire. The super-efficient Mini Cube, is compact but big on performance, suitable for most compact room settings, be it a classic dwelling or a contemporary styled apartment. Godin.<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "More Information", "buttonLink": "/godin-mini-cube-wood-heater", "buttonNewWindow": false }, "imageAltText": "Godin Mini Cube Wood Heater", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "imageId": "65fa49fcf3370a7987562677", "image": { "id": "65fa49fcf3370a7987562677", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1651716931348, "updatedOn": 1667113591961, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1651716931348, "authorId": "60c3014ac43bfb003ce25cf7", "systemDataId": "1651716931642-Z09ZDU0S5WGR44J2U2M9", "systemDataVariants": "640x640,100w,300w,500w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPG", "filename": "Godin Mini Cube Wood Heater.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "c9c6bc", "topRightAverage": "cac9c5", "bottomLeftAverage": "dfdcd3", "bottomRightAverage": "a7a59e", "centerAverage": "3b4047", "suggestedBgColor": "a3a29d" }, "urlId": "ug0qxsrrsei7sh1qw2e3ltllwbnj5a-474jm-dy7pn-3n2yz", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60c3014ac43bfb003ce25cf7", "displayName": "Tim O’Dea", "firstName": "Tim", "lastName": "O’Dea", "bio": "" }, "assetUrl": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0630/2957/5740/t/1/assets/1651716931642-Z09ZDU0S5WGR44J2U2M9_GodinMiniCubeWoodHeaterjpg?v=1725416057", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "640x640", "recordTypeLabel": "image" } }, { "title": "Godin Bagatelle Wood Heater", "description": "
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